Emily Cardinal

The first time I met Julie was in 2019 at a College Possible meet-and-greet for new staff. It was an ice cream social, and Julie had brought her two grandsons. She took the time to introduce herself, shake my hand, and thank me for joining the organization's mission. Right away, I saw her love for people and work, and especially the love she had for her family.

To be in Julie’s vicinity was always a treat. She was often surrounded by people and laughter. I was continually surprised by the things she said and did–her leadership style was never lacking in humor or assuredness, and most importantly, warmth.

As a college coach, I would often take calls with students from the office until six or seven in the evening. On several occasions, Julie and I would be the last two left, working on opposite sides of the office from one another. One night, Julie walked up to my desk and said, “Take out your phone. I want you to save my number.” I obeyed. She looked at me and said “If you ever need anything, I want you to call or text me.”

Thankfully, I never experienced a crisis warranting rescue by Julie. But I do remember several times when simply knowing that I had someone I could always turn to for help brought me great comfort.

My work with Julie was cut short with the onset of Covid, then her departure from College Possible in the summer of 2020. I was fortunate enough to have seen Julie once more this Spring, when I sat at her table at the College Possible appreciation event held at PSU. She had all the wit and joyful magnetism I remembered, and she was still fully committed to the vision and work even after her tenure at the organization had ended three years prior.

Julie was a light, and she is and will continue to be missed. Peace to all her loved ones, and with her spirit.


Heather Reavey


Linda Brongo