Daniel Peterman

The last 10 months have been tough. My last real interaction with Julie was staying with Dennis and Julie at their house on Thurman for my father’s funeral in December. Seeing how much Julie loved our twin daughters Samantha and Harper pretty much sums up who she is. Sitting on the floor in the infamous Armani slacks to play with the girls disregarding all other distractions. As Harper screamed in Julie’s face she responded seriously “I have a degree in this you know.”

One thing I have thought about recently is who will mentor the next generation with my dad and Julie gone. Who is going to provide the tough love to shape those who come next. Prior to Julie’s service I was going to say Alec and Peter you better step up your game. But after seeing the maturity on stage, I realize you already have. Your mom would be proud. And my dad might even say something complementary. Those who come next are in good hands. There is nothing else that needs saying.

Except maybe Peter- Brevity is a virtue. Have Alec mentor you.

I love you guys. Julie will be missed.


Ian Burrows


Nancy Hamilton