Monica Lewinsky

It was 2007. I was job hunting in Portland shortly after graduate school. Julie and I were connected by a mutual friend and she had agreed to meet with me to see if she could help me find a job. A few minutes after sitting with her (and Miriam) at Lyceum, Julie enthusiastically interrupted me in that charming way only Julie could and said, “You know, you get over the speed bump of you being Monica Lewinsky pretty quickly.” And from that moment, I knew Julie would be a special force in my life—always thought of, even if we didn’t see or speak often. There wasn’t a person she wasn’t willing to contact or way she wouldn’t try to help. I got to know Dennis and the boys in this time…and so very many other people who became part of my Portland family…and heart. Thank you, Julie… for being such a vibrant, authentic and warm energy in this world. You are already missed.

— Monica Lewinsky

(Vanity Fair contributing editor, a social activist working on anti-bullying initiatives)


Tracy Kidder


Michael Ondaatje