Vanessa Renwick

Julie Fucking Mancini raised an awesome fucking kid to put together this fucking awesome tribute website. I can see, and even feel, her gigantic, warm smile beaming all over this idea. I met Julie fucking Mancini in the early 90's, when I was working at Powell's and an author would have something to also do with Literary Arts, and I would see her when I would go to PICA's offices. She always had that fucking air of being the fucking coolest teen in the alley smoking the fucking cigs,
everything just rolling off of her with her god damn bulldozer energy of facilitating fucking fantastic things happening in life. I didn't know her very well at all, but whenever we saw each other she always treated me like I mattered, not like I was the little punk kid who didn't really know what the hell they were doing at the moment. I felt an instant acceptance and friendliness so rare. The warmth, and the laughter, the big ass smile all rolled into this classy babe, making so many good things happen for so many, young to old. Such joy she facilitated. Oregon scored. Onward Julie! Thank you.


Katie Fazal


Ben Moorad