Pat Schoelles

I am a high school classmate of Julie, St. Agnes High School class of 1966. An all-girl Catholic high school. We wore hideous uniforms to school, the rules were archaic and foolish, there were no phys ed or other life-enriching programs. The faculty were talented and generous and dedicated to our growth, but constrained by church obligations and “tradition.” Many of our classmates came with a range of talents and grand possibilities for bright and promising futures, looking to the years ahead that included new views of women and our roles in society and home, a war of unsurpassing grief, the incredible failure of the churches, the vibrant promise offered by the eventual Julie Mancini endeavors. May I add to these wonderful tributes to her only this: across my life, the one person who truly made me better, more aware of what life is, how it should be lived, is Julie Mancini. And I knew her when I was 14-18 years old. As was she. These signs of greatness were early. And lasting.


Susan Mersereau


Sara Guest