Lue Douthit

We met in 2004 during what we affectionately called "Bandcamp", a two-week intensive for non-profit leaders sponsored by Stanford School of Business. It was during the first week and we were listening to a lecture by some very famous economics/business professor and it's not that I couldn't follow it, but I couldn't imagine that even the executive director-types in our class would find this theory/method/analysis useful. The professor looked directly at me after he asked a question about process. In the nanosecond I gave myself to reply, I decided to take the high road: "I don't have a clue," was my response, said in a tone that clearly meant, "I don't give a rat's ass."
After the class, Julie came rushing up to me and said, "I FUCKING love you." Which I instinctually knew was a compliment. And she continued, "You said what everyone was thinking." We became thick as thieves from that moment on, and I adopted Julie as my north star because I knew that no matter what, she would always love me and she would always tell me the truth.


Stephen Beaudoin


Michael Tingley