Kathy Mancini

Julie, my wonderful, fucking cousin. I was 11 years younger. That age difference mattered, until it didn’t. Julie was pregnant with Alec, Peter was 5 and my dear Uncle Joe was very sick. I spent almost every day with Uncle Joe, Aunt Annie, my dad and Julie. We became very close over that time. Our age didn’t matter any more. We spent the days together. We shared “the old days” These weren’t memories of times we had spent together but of who we used to be, what college was like, in Jul’s era and in mine. We shared mistakes we made, good times and those short memories we had actually. Asking her to play piano for me, I loved that. I missed her terribly after Uncle Joe passed away. She came back and forth from Portland but didn’t stay as long. We met for coffee at Barnes & Nobel, or take a long walk on the canal, or we’d walk through Wegmans eating frozen yogurt and laughing. I am grateful to Jul for expanding my vocabulary. She taught me to freely say the only word I ever got pulled out of school for saying in 3rd grade. I was taught never, ever to say it again. I rarely ever used it. Then, in my 30’s Julie taught me how frequently I could use the word “fuck”. I would listen to her talk to Aunt Annie. Something was missing…the word never showed up. We go into a bedroom to change Alec, and once again, it flowed. Not hanging with Julie as much since Aunt Annie past away, I’m back to my pre 3rd grade vocabulary. I pull it out now and then for effect. Jul, I’ll never forget you and will always remember our times together. Thank you for the unconditional love and undivided attention you gave me!! I treasure you!!


Sabra Boyd


Julie Hambuchen