Emielle Nischik

Julie taught me how to be a mother while pursuing a career that I loved without compromise. She taught me that I didn’t have to sacrifice my family life. She used to say things like, “Emielle, that 7 am breakfast meeting does not work for your family, you need to tell them no.” She was a fierce protector of her family time and showing up. She not only encouraged the same for her staff but expected it. Thanks to Julie, I can say with confidence to just about anyone, “that does not work for my family.” Julie gave me that gift and so much more and it is my responsibility to pass that along to others. She led by example in being fucking fearless and unapologetic without pretense. As I write this, I hear her voice clear as day, “who wrote this piece of shit” and “you have to remove all the exclamation points, I don’t want anyone telling me how to feel.” Love you, Julie.


Lizzie Angel


Mary Bisbee-Beek