Cecelia Tanaka

I first heard the name Julie Mancini in 2002 a few weeks after I met Drew McCartor (my then brand new acquaintance and now husband). We were doing that thing you do when you first get to know someone—infusing those early conversations with our best stories, our A-game material, our lifetime highlight reels—offering funny anecdotes about something seemingly random (but are in actuality carefully planned in advance). The memories, the moments and most importantly the people who made you—you. And for Drew McCartor that was most certainly Julie.

Julie was magnetic and I was immediately pulled in. No matter the room or the company or the setting—didn’t well all just orbit around her? She was hilarious and curious about those around her and so incredibly, genuinely present. Julie celebrated the big and little moments in life with equal vigor and fanfare. And her generosity---of love, time, adoration and of course iphones—fills me with joy and profound loss. I loved hearing Julie talk about her family—her stories were infused with pride and gratitude and boundless love. And my god her love for her grandchildren.

She was present throughout my career—she celebrated my big milestones, reminded me to advocate for myself and counseled me through toxic jobs. Julie sent me flowers on my first day of every job I’ve had. And on a dreary fall afternoon in New York on my first day back at work after maternity leave—flowers and a note of encouragement and support arrived at my desk and they were of course from Julie.

I miss her.


Kate Ottum


Christopher Zinn